Next week, I will be serving as a counselor at Camp Daniel along with so many others from Living Hope Church who will counsel, cook, clean, teach, worship and basically, just help wherever it is needed: to submit to the leadership of God and the leadership of Camp Daniel.
Tim Kelly, one of the missionaries at Camp Daniel, asked (required) each of us to write in response to the two following questions: What does God want to teach me on this trip or why does God want me to go on this trip. And secondly, what does Eph. 6:10-20 (putting on the armor of God) mean to me. I suppose that this was meant to be between Tim and each of us but I am letting you on what I have written. Take it for what it's worth.
Tim, here it is for you in a nutshell.
1. I don't think I have any idea right now why God wants me to go to Camp Daniel. I would like to sound spiritual and say: " to be a great example of servant leadership for Living Hope Church". Or something like: "to be a humble servant of Jesus" etc. But it is more likely something like this: "I got tired of being nagged about not doing this" or "I didn't want to let Little Tony down and I want to be a good example of encouragement to him".
So, my friends, let me leave it at this: "I hope I can in some way help make this a really good week for a camper with a disability."
2. I know that I have to come to Camp Daniel spiritually prepared. Something tells me this is the easier part of the "armor" teaching. I mean, surrounded by the great Camp Daniel leadership team, surrounded by Living Hope Church servants who are awesome encouragers who will battle for each other in prayer; to be exposed each day of Camp to praise, worship, and the teaching of the Word, in some ways it seems like a slam-dunk to succeed. Time will tell.
I am reminded regularly that I need the armor of God when I am alone at home, or struggling with an unsettled spirit in my office and just the tendency to feel sorry for myself on a regular basis. It seems I battle temptation more now than ever in my Christian life and why not, if Satan has a plan to destroy me, my family and my church. I am regularly reminded that all temptations are winnable if I keep alert and strong. (1 Cor. 10:13) At Camp Daniel, I know we will help each fight the good fight and I know it will be won. But alone with my thoughts and feelings, that's when I know I really need God's armor. It is a daily fight but Praise God, we are guaranteed victory if we don't give in or give up. What a great God we serve!!
There you go, Tim. Submission to my authorities for the upcoming week. I am looking for miracles in ways that we may not even think about. See you Sunday.
6 days ago