"I am so busy. I can hardly keep up with my schedule. I'm exhausted." Have you heard these words anytime lately? Have you said them or something like them in the last several days? I have had some time to think about "busyness" in the last couple of months since I am not as "busy" as I used to be.
We generally don't think that there is anything wrong with being busy. After all, we tend to think that the opposite of busy is "idle" or "lazy" or to be a little Biblical - slothful. Actually, two dictionary definitions of the opposite of busy that I really like are: "quiet" and the other is "available". Ah, now that puts a different spin on it, doesn't it?
In Ephesians chapter 5 and verses 15 and 16, we read: "Be careful how you live. Don't be unwise but wise, making the best use of (redeeming) your time. Understand whats the Lord wants you to do."
Good verses. What does the Lord want us to do and how does He want us to think about "busyness" ? I like the thinking of Max Lucado on this issue. He says that being busy is not a sin. After all, Jesus was busy. Paul was busy. And we all know, don't we friends, that we will not get much of anything important accomplished without effort and hard work. And working hard will make us weary. Ok, that in itself is not sin.
But being busy in a mad dash pursuit of things that leave us empty and broken inside does not please God. Would you agree? Doesn't it seem like sometimes the faster we go in our lives, the emptier we become? Yet why does it seem like taking time to pause, reflect, meditate and just listen to the important voices in our lives is just so hard? It's not easy to make decisions to bring our life under control and change our priorities so we can focus on first seeking after and building our relationship with our Heavenly Father and letting some of the other things take a backseat.
So I align with Mr. Lucado who believes that in the midst of busyness, the Cross is still there. In the midst of your emptiness, the Cross is still there. The promises of Jesus still stand today. You can claim peace in the midst of a hectic life -- but not without some sacrifice and concentration, but we can do it.
So I am learning once again that God's Word is so true. Pastor Jerry, family and friends and brothers and sisters: Up North Wisdom says listen and apply the truth from Matthew 6 which tells us that doing what God wants and seeking His Kingdom first will keep us in good relationship with Him as well as with others. And the needs of our lives will be met. I'm learning friends and I hope you are too. Not only will God show you how to live, learn and love better, but He will bring great peace into the middle of the busyness of your life.
"Father God, help us to know when to say no to the world and yes to you. Help us to hear the true and still small voice of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the pressures and busyness of life. We are not very good at it, Father, so we really need You to help us. Thank You for Your love and Grace in our lives."
So now with all that in mind, isn't it so cool to really know that The Best Is Yet To Come? Blessings!!
6 days ago