I normally wouldn't comment about a football game but after the very disappointing Packer loss to the Bears, I heard some things from the players that really got my attention. The team played very poorly in many regards and made so many mistakes (penalties) that contributed to the defeat. Some of the comments of the players went like this: "We didn't execute" (meaning "we were awful") -- "We're a smarter team than that" (no actually they're not; they were like they played) -- "That's not the way we play" (yes, actually, that's exactly how they played). Most excuses for bad play were just that, excuses.
Living Hope Church founding pastor, the late Jim Erickson, used to say this: when you get older, you will just be more of what you were when you were younger -- unless you make the decision not to be like that. In other words, if you are an angry person growing up, you will be a more angry person as you get older. If you are a bitter person, (unforgiving, unfeeling, uncaring, etc. -- you get the point) you will be more bitter, unforgiving, etc. as you get older. That is, unless you are honest about who you are and decide you want to change and be better as you get older instead of being bitter.
The point is this: do I really want to change? Do I want to grow and be more effective in my Christian walk than I am right now? Anyone can change if they really want to and understand the need to. The scripture says "I can do all things (make any good changes in my life) through
Christ who gives me the strength to do it" Phil. 4:13
Do you want to be more of what you are right now as you get older? Or is Christ (maybe through the people He puts into your life who are trying to speak to you but you aren't listening) telling you to put off those old, unproductive, damaging ways of thinking, talking, and acting and with His help to put on a new way.
Up North Wisdom says change is never easy. But if I see the need and value of making good changes, I understand that Christ will give all the help I need. I hope the Packers make some changes that will help them be more effective in their game, but even more importantly, will you and I decide that enough is enough and begin to put the past behind us? With His help, the best is yet to come. Believe it, Confess it and claim it for Jesus sake and His Kingdom and certainly for your good. Amen!
6 days ago