I just finished doing a week of service for a Camp Daniel summer camp. Last year I served as a camp counselor and this year I served a a kitchen helper. Chrissy Kelly is the head kitchen director and she does an incredible job in overseeing the preparation and serving of well over 100 people for three meals a day for six days. It was an honor to serve under her leadership. It was a fun, hot and tiring week. I am still recovering from lack of sleep and rest, but with a heart filled with awe at the miracles that God does during all that takes place in one short week.
Camp Daniel is a ministry directed towards people with mental disabilities. Many have physical disabilities as well. I always have thought that the verses from Matthew 25:40,45 certainly applied to the disabled population. The verses quote Jesus when he says in essence that how you serve the "least of these" is also how you serve Him and how you don't serve the "least of these" is how you don't serve Him. I think I was mistaken.
I think that the campers at Camp Daniel with all of their many disabilities, some severe and some less so to some degree, really were serving us in many ways. I felt that I really was the "least of these" and was really being ministered to by the many campers that week. The theme was "We Are Strong" and Pastor James did a masterful job in leading the worship and in teaching during the chapel times.
One of the qualities that really humbled me was the level of honesty that I saw shown in the campers. I was challenged to not be the "least" when it comes to this huge quality. Another quality that was shown so beautifully was acceptance. The level of acceptance for each other as well as for the counselors and workers was so cool to watch. The campers for the most part love to love and be loved. Without reservation. What a challenge to me! Lord, help me not to be the "least" when it comes to accepting people that you put in my life and to be open in loving people as You have loved me.
And as always I am so humbled when it comes to worshiping with the campers. The open desire to worship to the best of their abilities is always convicting as I think that many times I allow my feelings to dictate whether I am going to hold back my praise and worship of our great God and Savior. I do not want to be the "least" when it comes to the worship of Jesus Christ.
So, Up North Wisdom says in so many ways we all fall into the "least of these" category. But let's be an example to those God puts in our paths by giving our best to the Master. Thank God, He doesn't judge like we do all too often. We are all sinners who need to be saved by His Grace. And when we are, we are all Children of God who are called and have something to offer His Kingdom. Let's all follow the direction of the Word of God that says "whatever we do in word or deed, do it for the Glory of God". Thank You, Lord, for giving your best to the "least of all of us".
Blessings, my friends. Keep putting on the Armor.
6 days ago
Dad...you rock! I know that's not the comment you were going for...but it was just as much fun being at Camp Daniel with you this year as it was last year. You're the best example in my life...I love you and am proud to be your daughter. I love you dad!