I haven't written a blog in a very long time. I guess my time and attention has been on other projects that I must have felt were more important. Well, things are changing. On September 7, I will handing off the baton of Senior Pastor leadership to Pastor Mike LeClaire. Mike has been an associate of mine for many years and God has prepared him well for this new place in his life. I am excited for him and for Living Hope Church for what God has in store.
Many people have asked me why now for this transition. They tell me I am still doing a great job and the church is growing and moving forward. My response is: shouldn't I end doing my best? I think so. My only answer is one that I have often found wasn't satisfactory to me when others used it. And that is this: God has clearly told (directed) me to make this change at this time. And actually He led me to start the process of transition about three years ago. With the OK from our Elder Board and from Pastor Mike, we began to set in motion the things that needed to be accomplished to get us to this point.
I confess that it seemed a lot farther away three years ago and now that the time has arrived, I can't believe the three years have gone by so fast. I am both excited and somewhat apprehensive about just what this is going to be like. Many have asked me what am I going to do. Well for one thing, my wife Jeanne, who is also retiring from her position at the Green Bay Packers, and I are going to take a lengthy sabbatical from the church for many reasons. It will be good for us, good for the church and good for Pastor Mike. I truly believe that. When we return, we look forward to doing some teaching, mentoring and just generally helping Pastor Mike in whatever way he directs. Maybe he will even let me preach once in a while. :)
I plan to do a lot more blogging and would love it if you and others would follow my blog. If I can figure out how to use the gadgets ( phone, internet, etc.) I will post them to my face book as well. I would love to hear your comments and thoughts about the topics I blog about.
I have loved being a pastor these past 33 years at Living Hope Church (as I say sometimes -- formerly Interfaith Fellowship). I can truly say it has not been a job to me but a high calling from the Lord. I told the Lord one time that I was not qualified, competent, strong enough, smart enough, etc. to do this. And you know what - He agreed with me. :) And reminded me that as long as I realize where my strength and help really comes from I would be OK. So friends, I can truly say: To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Hath Done. And of course, for Living Hope Church, Pastor Mike, and for Pastor Jerry and Jeanne -- THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
6 days ago